Kirtinarayana temple Talkad

The Kirtinarayana temple built in AD 1117 over a jagati has on plan a stellate garbhagriha, an open ardhamandapa and a navaranga with thre entrances. The gardhagriha doorways are finely carved in the hoysala style . The main image of Narayana is impressive and stands on a lotus pedestal in samabhanga .The navaranga is spacious has lathe-turned pillars and a ceiling adorned by creeper scrolls, lotuses and other floral designs.

The Vaidyesvara temple Talkad

The Vaidyesvara temple complex with mixed Ganga, Chola and Hoysala stylistic features is datable between circa 10th- 14th century AD. The temple on plan has a garbhagriha, an antarala, an ardhamanadapa, a pillared mahamandapa with an entrance porch or mukhamandapa in east-west orientation. The temple indented on plan also has a mukhamandapa to the south. The mahamandapa in the north has additional shrines for processional deities. The temple is built over a jagati. Its wall is treated with massive pilaster motifs with various deities of the Saiva faith. Over the garbhagriha is a brick and-lime vesara sikhara. The navaranga has six central pillars. The doorway of the navaranga shows Hoysala workmanship and on either side are dvarapalas about 2 m high. The temple has a spacious inner prakara with small shrines housing sculptures of the Ganga, Hoysala and Vijayanagara periods. The Vaidyesvara linga is held in high reverence. The tall gateway facing the main entrance has beautiful decorations.